Kyorinbo Temple (Shiga) is said to have been built by Crown Prince Shotoku in 605 and named as such for being originally a place of teaching ("Kyo") surrounded by a forest ("Rin"). Featuring gorgeous moss-covered stones lined-up all over its garden, Kyorinbo temple is reminiscent of the famous Japanese artist [...]
Read moreHyakusaiji Temple is the oldest temple in Shiga. It was erected in 606 in what used to be the town of Omi. Omi merged into the expanded city of Maibara in 2005. Portuguese missionary Luís Fróis called Hyakusiji, “Heaven on Earth” when he visited Japan in 1563. [...]
Read moreTarobogu is a picturesque shrine located about halfway up the 350m high Mt. Akagamiyama in Shiga prefecture. Tarobogu is known by the nickname "Tarobo-san" in Japanese. Said to have been founded around 1,400 years ago, it is connected to warding off disaster and bringing good luck and success in business. [...]
Read moreHaving been around since the beginning of the Kamakura period (1192 - 1333) Saimyoji represents beautiful examples of architecture from that time featuring a nail-free structure. Saimyoji is also Japan’s first National Treasure! The temple includes a stunning approach of over 1,000 maple trees and a gorgeous three-tiered pagoda. [...]
Read moreChomeji Temple was erected around the 4th century near the beautiful lake Biwako, Japan’s largest natural lake. It centers around the life story of Takenouchi no Sukune, a famous ancient politician who, according to the legend, lived for the next 300 years after carving a passage into a […]
Read moreKyu-Chikurin-In is a former temple located near the prefectural city of Otsu in Shiga prefecture. It’s located just a few minutes away from Kyoto Station. While no longer a temple, the place has been turned into a "Satobo" or retirement house for the priest of Enryaku-Ji temple
Read moreIt is said that the Nagahama Hikiyama Matsuri (festival) started over 400 years ago in order to celebrate the birth of the son of Hideyoshi Toyotomi a local warlord. Ever since locals in Nagahama city have worked hard to maintain this massive gorgeous Hikiyama floats as a matter […]
Read moreOn the beautiful Lake Biwa, Japan's biggest natural lake, you will find the small island of Chikubu (Chikubu-Shima). There you will find more remote temples with Tsukubusuma-Jinja Shrine and the famous Hogon-Ji Temple (Hogonji) which was founded on the island by the priest Gyoki(668-749) [...]
Read moreLocated in the suburbs of Otsu, Shiga prefecture capital city, Kanou Shoujuan Sunai no Sato is a longstanding Japanese style confectioner famous all across Japan. While people visiting Kanou Shoujuan Sunai no Sato can shop for some of the best Japanese sweet, it is also possible there to participate […]
Read moreJust on the opposite side of the Tonomura Shigeru house, you will find another beautiful Japanese traditional house turned museum which also belonged to a member of the Tonomura family, Uhee Tonomura. Here you will be able to enjoy every room that the house has to offer and enjoy […]
Read moreTonomura Shigeru is a famous Japanese writer. The Tonomura Shigeru House, or in Japanese Tonomura Shigerutei, is a beautiful traditional Japanese house with a little garden located in the heart of Gokasho Kondo. The house has been turned into a museum. [...]
Read moreThe Traditional Townscape of Gokasho, also known as Gokasho Kondo, is a set of former merchant residences located in Higashi-Omi, Shiga Prefecture and is comprised of 3 temples and 3 houses with a garden turned museum. Gokasho Kondo is designated as a national traditional building conservation district […]
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